Friday, September 24, 2010

Que Cera Cera

New beginnings for us all these days. Jason began a great new job that allows him to tap into all of his restauranteur skills thus making for a happier daddy and so a happier family. Longer hours -yes, more rewarding life -yup, sacrifice from all sides -sure. But when do we not sacrifice one aspect of our lives for another? This balancing act is really all there is, right? So congrats daddy!

Bean began going to pre-school. Hurray! She loves it; her teachers, her friends, the unlimited supply of paint and play-doh and sand. Her best friend so far is Sam, or Crocodile whom we think is Sam but may be an i-m-a-g-i-n-a-r-y friend as well. Sam and Bean have been asked to refrain from kissing eachother constantly so perhaps this should go down as another first. So soon! School is a limited time of two days a week for three and a half hours at a time. It's funny but I'm not sure what to do with myself. Last week and yesterday I cleaned and organized like a madwoman but after seeing how quickly it all got wrecked my bubble of energy sprung a leak. The house is so quiet without my three year old singer-song writer here to liven things up. I start to really miss her just about the time I'm due to pick her up which I always do a few minutes early. I can't help it. I'm lost without my little guiding star, who else will tell me what we're supposed to be doing at every moment of the day?

This time does allow me a little more one on one with mon petit chou. He's such an old soul with his brow alternating between concentration and belwilderment. Which I've come to believe are the only possible ways to take this world in. He's sitting up a bit these days, grabbing for everything (especially hair be it mine or his sister's curly bird's nest), he wants water desperately which I've given to him for the first time this morning. He likes his mama's milk but he's not the insatiable devourer his sister was. There was not a time or occasion she would turn down the boob but this new guy not so much. He'll eat when he's hungry but if he's mad about something he would prefer if you would kindly not shove it in his face. His likes are being held, going for walks (being held), smiling at new faces (while being held) and grabbing at new things (but only if you're holding him). To give a little credit where credit is due he enjoys sitting up by himself for about 5 minutes a day (yay!). His dislikes consist of being put down. Yup, that's about it. Stroller, carseat, bouncy seat, swing, any contraption of any kind what-so-ever forgetaboutit. But Dr. Sears does try and soothe my sore back with kind words that these days of constant connection do indicate a greater likelihood of developing deep and meaningful relationships in the future. Hmm... I wonder who funded that study?

Ah, yes. Livet er ikke lett, bare fantastisk. Life is not easy, only fantastic.

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