Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Just Here...

Frigid days on lockdown. Cabin fever set in weeks ago and plans to escape have been foiled time and again by these utterly obnoxious bugs plaguing our bellies.  Thatcher has seen the worst of it, going on nearly two weeks of night time pukes and day time general discomfort. I've been afraid to even think of going to the doctor's office. Ugh. The zillions of bacteria covering every square inch of that place makes me cringe. I've succumbed out of desperation. My only real concern is that he's getting dehydrated which apparently is quite dangerous.
Meanwhile Tessa's been managing to stay mostly healthy and still have 3 day school weeks. Today we're all set for a play date but I can tell she misses her routine. I love living in a tiny village sometimes even though we feign boredom and restless life syndrome we recognize some super sweet perks. On Tuesdays the school buses the younger grades to Stratton Rec for snowshoeing, ice skating and sledding followed by hot chocolate while the older kids go skiing. I love that they bring them outside often three times a day for long periods and that younger and older kids are paired together for reading and writing. I love that she has the same teacher for two years in a row, that the school only has 69 kids in it and that it's a 5 minute walk through the woods to get there. I love that when I pick her up the teachers are often sledding down the hill with the kids and when she leaves with me kids in sixth grade are yelling "bye Tessa!".  I love that she's learning to read and write and that she made up her own menu all by herself for her bistro yesterday. The coffee was super cheap and delicious!
So another long day inside, making art, cleaning, rearranging, cooking, overall being a very domestic mama. It might feel small and secluded sometimes but then again would I really want it any other way? I'm thinking of making a fire, sipping some coffee and counting my blessings. Maybe I'll catch some vitamin D through the window. Who knows? The possibilites are endless...