Monday, October 22, 2012


Night time. The only time I ever feel able to get a thought out. The tendency seems to be perched between two beings, breathing in turn, glowing in the light of the computer screen. Yes, they're still in my bed. Jason's got his own now in the guest room. I imagine someday soon we'll all grow out of this phase, I even plan it out from time to time. They may actually have a  room of their own! Most likely we'll just give up ours for them to share. That way I can sneak back in because of course I'm the one enabling it all. But what a magical time it is to spend, hearing Tessa spell her friends names out in slurred sleepy whispers or make letters in  the air as she dreams.
They're both getting so big. Growing so fast. Tessa's steadfast love of animals does not falter, it encompasses her life daily, what she talks about, how she looks at the world, what she looks for in it. She's also obsessed with learning her letters, how to read, addition. Thatcher is half bear. He still doesn't have much of a vocabulary but he growls and lets us know exactly what he needs. He loves Tessa and tells me he misses her while she's at school. She lets him into her world almost always. Calls to him. Shares her imaginary games. They understand each other and it makes me so happy.
There's no real reason for this entry. No significant summation of my days I've come to. No enlightened thought. I'm just happy at the moment I suppose. And that should always be enough.